Introduction | Question and Answers | Dr. Ismail Serageldin Course

Research Methods Library of Alexandria

This Course Is About How to Think about Social Science Research. I hope that this course will make you THINK. Research Studies can have major impacts on the life of a nation and a society. So, your studies could one day have a major impact.

Now Think:
whether it is through modeling, or surveys, or through experimental designs to test new treatments. What could you do to make this a better world?

Research Methods Supercourse

Quantitative Techniques for Social Science Research. A Course in Ten Lectures by Ismail Serageldin


Introduction and other Lectures in Supercourse Format

1. Science, Method & Measurement

2. Building An Index

3. Correlation and Causality

4. Probability and Statistics

5. Samples and Surveys

6. Experimental and Quasi-experimental Designs

7. Conceptual Models

8. Quantitative Models

9. Complexity and Chaos

10. Recapitulation - Envoi